2 Quotes From George Washington

George Washington: 10 Quotes From the United States' First President. The Founding Father and Continental Army commander shared some of his greatest wisdom through his words in letters and speeches. June 13, 2017 Inspirational Quotes George Washington Party System Quote New 30 On Instagram Born On American Soil George Washington Was Elected Deputy To The Virginia Assembly In 1758 Upon Seeing U In 2020 Washington George Washington. George Washington’s momentous decision to step aside after two terms set a precedent that would be followed by every succeeding president except Franklin D. Roosevelt, and would be formalized in.

  1. Inspirational Quotes From George Washington
  2. 2 Quotes From George Washington Carver
  3. George Washington Christian Quotes
  4. 2 Quotes From George Washington
  5. George Washington Quotes On Power

It is increasingly popular to question America’s greatness and status as a “Shining City on a Hill,” but the Founding Fathers showed that patriotism is not a bad thing, and U.S. freedom should never be taken for granted.

Honor the risk the nation’s earliest patriots took and celebrate Independence Day by remembering some of the most patriotic quotes from America’s Founding Fathers. Emphasis added:

1. George Washington, Farewell Address 1796:

In offering to you, my countrymen, these counsels of an old and affectionate friend, I dare not hope they will make the strong and lasting impression I could wish; that they will control the usual current of the passions, or prevent our nation from running the course which has hitherto marked the destiny of nations. But, if I may even flatter myself that they may be productive of some partial benefit, some occasional good; that they may now and then recur to moderate the fury of party spirit, to warn against the mischiefs of foreign intrigue, to guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism; this hope will be a full recompense for the solicitude for your welfare, by which they have been dictated.

2. Alexander Hamilton, Speech on the Compromises of the Constitution 1788:

Yet, however weak our country may be, I hope we shall never sacrifice our liberties. If, therefore, on a full and candid discussion, the proposed system shall appear to have that tendency, for God’s sake, let us reject it! But, let us not mistake words for things, nor accept doubtful surmises as the evidence of truth. Let us consider the Constitution calmly and dispassionately, and attend to those things only which merit consideration.

3. John Adams, letter to Abigail Adams 1775:

But a Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored. Liberty once lost is lost forever. When the People once surrender their share in the Legislature, and their Right of defending the Limitations upon the Government, and of resisting every Encroachment upon them, they can never regain it.

4. Patrick Henry, speech before the Virginia Ratifying Convention, 1788:

Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are inevitably ruined.”

5. Thomas Pain, Common Sense, 1776:

But where, says some, is the King of America? I’ll tell you. Friend, he reigns above, and doth not make havoc of mankind like the Royal Brute of Britain.”

6. George Washington, speech to Officers of the Army, 1783:

2 Quotes From George Washington

Inspirational Quotes From George Washington

For if Men are to be precluded from offering their Sentiments on a matter, which may involve the most serious and alarming consequences, that can invite the consideration of Mankind, reason is of no use to us; the freedom of Speech may be taken away, and, dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep, to the Slaughter.

7. Samuel Adams, American Independence speech, 1776:

You have now in the field armies sufficient to repel the whole force of your enemies and their base and mercenary auxiliaries. The hearts of your soldiers beat high with the spirit of freedom; they are animated with the justice of their cause, and while they grasp their swords can look up to Heaven for assistance. Your adversaries are composed of wretches who laugh at the rights of humanity, who turn religion into derision, and would, for higher wages, direct their swords against their leaders or their country. Go on, then, in your generous enterprise with gratitude to Heaven for past success, and confidence of it in the future. For my own part, I ask no greater blessing than to share with you the common danger and common glory. If I have a wish dearer to my soul than that my ashes may be mingled with those of a Warren and Montgomery, it is that these American States may never cease to be free and independent.

8. Thomas Jefferson, remark to James Madison, 1787:

“What country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance. Let them take arms.”

9. James Madison, Federalist Papers 46, 1788:

Besides the advantage of being armed, which the Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation, the existence of subordinate governments, to which the people are attached, and by which the militia officers are appointed, forms a barrier against the enterprises of ambition, more insurmountable than any which a simple government of any form can admit of. Notwithstanding the military establishments in the several kingdoms of Europe, which are carried as far as the public resources will bear, the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms.

10. Alexander Hamilton, The Farmer Refuted,1775:

The sacred rights of mankind are not to be rummaged for, among old parchments, or musty records. They are written, as with a sun beam, in the whole volume of human nature, by the hand of the divinity itself; and can never be erased or obscured by mortal power.

11. Patrick Henry, Virginia Convention 1775:

“Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!

12. Samuel Adams, speech in Philadelphia 1776:

If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquillity of servitude than the animating contest of freedom—go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen!

13. Thomas Paine, Dissertation on First Principles of Government, 1791:

He that would make his own liberty secure, must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty, he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself.”

Last updated on April 11th, 2020

If you’re an American history enthusiast, then you already know that George Washington was arguably among the most celebrated leaders witnessed in the United States. His strong and actionable vision, leadership discipline, and morals enabled him to be the first president of the United States. As the Founding Father, here are the 47 facts about George Washington you need to know. Without much ado, let’s dive into the facts pertaining to early life, presidency, and after the presidency.

George Washington’s early life, family, farming

1. Born at the Pope’s Creek

According to the Gregorian calendar that’s used up to the present day, George Washington was born on February 22, 1732. The birthplace was at his father’s owned plantation at the Pope’s Creek, popularly known as the Wakefield and located in Westmoreland County, Virginia.

2. The George Family Ancient Roots

The family traces its root back from England, where George’s great grandfather came from. John Washington, the great grandfather, migrated to Virginia from England. The family held some distinction, but upon migration, the wealth in England was lost.

3. Parents Augustine and Mary Washington

George’s father was known for having a leading plantation. Other than being a leading planter, the father, Augustine Washington, worked in a county court as a justice. The mother and Augustine’s wife, Mary Ball Washington, was the second wife after Jane Butler, who died in 1729.

4. George: Mary’s First Born Son

Among the six children that Augustine Washington had with Mary Ball, George was the eldest. The six include Mildred, Charles, John Augustine, Samuel, Elizabeth, and George. However, before George’s father married her mum, the second wife, he already had two sons and a daughter.

5. The Unique Name

Washington lacked the middle name. During that time, middle names were not common in Europe and related colonies. Things changed later on, and from the early 19th century, people considered adding more words to the naming system.

6. The Little Known Childhood Whereabouts

Not a lot is known concerning Washington’s childhood. Although many biographers have invented and written a lot about the same, they have just filled the gap that many keep questioning. Childhood is the most poorly understood part.

7. The Father Died When Young

When George was 11 years old, his father passed on, and the older half-brothers of George took over the management of Augustine property. Lawrence, the half-brother, who had now inherited some part of the family plantation, played a crucial role in his upbringing.

8. A tale from his childhood

George’s father Augustine Washington raised horses and had immense love for them. After his death, his wife took charge of the horses and there was one particular horse which she loved the most. It was an untrained horse named “Colt.” When one day young George was playing with his friends in the pasture where this horse was kept, he decided to ride the horse. With the help of his friends, he managed to put bridle on the horse. Somehow George managed to seat on the horse but Colt erupted with rage and surprise. In the tussle between George and the horse, the horse tried its best to unseat him; and unfortunately in the attempt a blood vessel of his ruptured and it finally died of the injury. When George returned home; he bravely told his mother about the incident, and that he had killed the horse it an attempt to ride and train him. His mother was sorrowful yet she rejoiced in the fact that her son had told her the truth.

9. Gifted Though Not Educated

Unlike the elder brothers who had schooled back in England, Washington never had a formal education. He didn’t attend any college. George’s mother had plans to send him to England to finish his education. However, his father died when he was just 11, and during that time, the family had limited funds that would see him through formal education. George received the rest of his education in the colonies.

10. The Mother Refused to Let Him Be

George was in love with the military and wanted to be part of the British Navy. The mother was against the idea, and Washington was left to exploit other alternatives. It was then that he would turn to the survey, which he showed many capabilities.

11. George Math and Survey Prowess

George was gifted in mathematics. At the age of 16, he learned a lot concerning the land survey. He would accompany William Fairfax, a competent surveyor, to the Virginia frontier wilderness towards the western territory. It did not take long before he was appointed an official surveyor of Culpeper County. Almost 199 surveys are credited to Washington.

12. Washington Headed a Prominent Virginia Estate

At a very young age, 20 years, George headed the family Virginia Estates, which were among the most prominent in the area. It was after the elder brother, and his father inheritor, Lawrence, died of tuberculosis, leaving George as the heir of the family lands.

13. His Acquaintance Knowledge

Most of the skills that George Washington showcased in life was as a result of his acquaintance. Whether it was at an early age during the local church attendance, surveying, or through the woodsmen, and as a plantation foreman, he mastered a lot of things that kept him knowledgeable.

14. Value For Farming and Real Estate

Throughout George’s life, farming is one thing he has shown a lot of passion for. It is an honorable profession that made him an icon in Mount Vernon. He grew tobacco and wheat and experimented with different fertilizers like manure. The virtue is evident in not only the farms he owned but the many hectares he continued to acquire across New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Kentucky, and Ohio. He farmed over 3000 acres and ran the largest whiskey distillery in America, with the help of over 300 slaves.

Start of military career, marriage, health issues

15. George and Fairfax Family

George, during his youthful stage, had a lifelong relationship with the Fairfax family. He referred to the closeness as the happiest moments of his life. The social connections would later propel him to become a soldier, surveyor, and politician, while still young.

16. The Start of Military Career

When the French military started occupying the Ohio valley to protect the interest of their king, Washington was fast to show his aggressiveness and leadership qualities. The then Virginia Governor, Lieutenant Robert Dinwiddie, noticed Washington capabilities and appointed him as a significant adjutant within Virginia.

17. The Great Ohio Mission

French trappers and settlers had noted the commercial potential of the area because that’s where the rivers met, and they were aggressive to ensure they take control. George, who was only 21 years old then, commenced the journey past the Allegheny Mountains to command French withdrawal.

18. The Wins And Losses

While he was an aggressive general and the commander of Virginia troops at the age of 23, Washington has several accounts when he went to expeditions and was defeated. One time, the British secured a victory taking over the Ohio Valley and leaving behind deaths and wounded soldiers.

19. Washington First Love


Before the official marriage, Washington was in love with Sally Fairfax. Sally was the wife to one of the right and very close friends of Washington. He went ahead to write love letters that showed the affection that George had towards Sally.

20. Washington Married Martha

In 1759, January 6, Washington got into marriage. He married a beautiful woman that brought a lot of change, along with the two kids. Martha Dandridge came from Virginia’s Tidewater area. Although it was a second marriage, to George, it was his first.

21. Marriage Lasted for 40 Years

The marriage went ahead to last for 40 years, irrespective of the couple not adding more kids. His wife Martha, had kids from the previous relationship. Scientists now speculate that there might have been issues with Washington when it comes to fertility.

22. He Resigned Willingly from Army

After the 1758 war, when 14 were killed and 26 soldiers wounded, he decided to quit. It was a frustrating moment. His decision was because many choices on the military were slow, there was limited support, and his soldiers were poorly recruited.

23. Outstanding but Sickly

Although Washington showed dedication in everything he got his hands into, he had undergone several episodes of suffering health-wise. He had suffered from pneumonia, dysentery, smallpox, tuberculosis, among other illnesses.

24. George Washington Inherited Slaves

At only 11 years, he had already inherited slaves from his father. After retirement, he devoted energetically to take care of the landholdings. By the 1790s, there were over 300 slaves at Mount Vernon. Slavery was then legal.

25. He Loved Being Active

When running errands or during the days in the military, Washington loved horseback riding. Blueskin was the name of George Washington’s favorite horse. It was a gray horse and was one of the two primary mounts during the American Revolutionary War. Besides, he could go out for fishing excursions and hunting. Interestingly, even when off during the weekends, he would join the laborers on the farm.

26. No History of Wooden Teeth

Although Washington lost the first tooth when still in the twenties, there is no evidence that he had wooden teeth. According to the information recorded in his diary, at age 24, he paid 5 shillings to a “Doctr Watson” who removed one of his teeth. Due to dental woes, he had lost all his teeth in his fifties. He had dentures that were made of multiple materials like copper, silver, and ivory and not wood.

27. He Initiated the American Revolution

The British Proclamation Act of 1763 was not something to be happy about. It prohibited settling beyond the Alleghenies, and this hungered Washington to the extent of calling for colonial resistance, which brought about the American Revolution.

28. A General Without Competition

Although he didn’t seek any position, he was appointed as the commander of the continental army without serious competition. As the Major General and Commander-in-Chief of North American colonies against Great Britain, he headed the revolution firmly.

29. Penned a Signature on U.S Constitution

In 1787, Washington was among the individuals involved in drafting the U.S. constitution. Being the president of the Constitutional Convention that took place in Virginia, he was granted a chance to pen the first signature on the document.

Becoming the President, resolving debt crisis, final address, cause of death

30. Unanimous Election

Moments after he was involved in the constitutional convention, Americans wanted him back to serve the country. He became the first president to win the election, with every elector at the Electoral College voting for him. That must have been a unanimous approval.

31. The Two Term Legacy

He served two terms as the president of the United States. During this time, Americans witnessed massive changes in terms of economy and leadership. He had the right individuals in place with little opposition.

32. An Honorary Citizen of France

As the French Revolution began, an amazing thing happened. He became a French citizen. Interestingly, he never spoke French, and never visited France despite the honorary citizenship. Other Americans awarded the same status will ignore the revolution due to violence.

33. No Political Party Affiliation

Although political parties were showing up and calling themselves Democratic and Republicans, Washington never had affiliations to either of the parties. These opposing views of having political parties, later on, came to actualize later.

34. Washington Almost Stepped Down

After the first term in office, he felt that things were running pretty well, and the institutions could follow the trend for a better United States simply because they enjoy the people’s support. Congress, through Thomas Jefferson, reached him to take a second term.

35. No white House

Unfortunately, the president who did everything possible to have the right governance structures did not enjoy all of them. Since Washington’s terms ended before the White House was completed, he didn’t have that chance. It was completed later on after his death. However, George Washington, selected the site for the White House in 1791; and President John Adams and his wife, Abigail, moved into the unfinished house in 1800.

36. Presence of a Structured Government

With a broad government and capable people, all the aspects were looked at keenly. He appointed the secretary of state, secretary of the treasury, and other critical appointments with the consultation of the cabinet. He observed absolute honesty and integrity in leadership.

37. The Salary

The congress offered a $25,000 salary, but George was still reluctant about it. He never wanted much so that the public doesn’t see him as a burden or selfless leader. He was wise when it comes to protecting the personal image.

38. Man of Titles

Of all the titles you might think of, then George Washington fits them all. He’s surely the man of many titles. The Commander in Chief, the President, General, Continental Commander, among other titles. He preferred a simple title,“Mr. President.”

39. An Enemy of Debts

Long before he became the president, the affairs of the United States were always at heart. The authorities were unable to collect revenues, making it hard to pay debts. Through constitutional convention and later election, he resolves the debt crisis.

40. A Man of Peace

While he was an outstanding ‘no nonsense’ military man, he valued peace. People remember him up to date for signing peace treaties. He did so among the Native American tribes to ensure a peaceful coexistence when running errands or during political times.

41. Took International Relations with Caution

Though he got involved in several wars to fight against intruders, he still watched what was happening around cautiously, including France and Great Britain war of 1793. He later signed a peace treaty with Britain to clear the underlying issues.

42. The Battling President

In the history of the United States, no other president has ever lead the troops to a battlefield. Washington was exceptional. Armed with the military skills and with a desire to see people work closely with the federal government.

43. John Adams Took Over

John worked closely with the president. During the last days as the president, Washington turned over the government to his vice president, John Adams, and later, packed to his homeland at Mount Vernon to pursue farming, among other activities.

2 Quotes From George Washington Carver

44. The Final Address

Washington farewell address is among the precise, yet citizens remember it up to today. Hamilton helped him to compose a speech that focused on not only thanking the Americans but urging them to avoid permanent foreign alliances and partisanship.

45. Place of Residence

Upon retirement, he headed to his homeland, Mount Vernon. That was during the 1797 springs. Leaving the government in able hands, he was sure of a smooth transition that guarantees prosperity.

46. The President Books

Other than being a politician, farmer, and a soldier, George Washington loved to read and write. Among the books he wrote is ‘The Rules of Civility.’ There are multiple books that autobiographers and writers have written about the Founding Father.

47. Cause of death

George Washington Christian Quotes

George Washington died of a throat infection at the age of 67. He suffered from several other illnesses during his life time. Experts estimate that Washington may have had Diphtheria when he was about 15. He was infected by smallpox at the age of 19. This was a serious concern back then which killed almost 1 out of every three person it affected. And then he suffered with dysentery for a length of time during his life.

George Washington – Quick facts and information

2 Quotes From George Washington

Full nameGeorge Washington
# of Terms2
Presidential termApril 30, 1789 – March 4, 1797
Preceded by Office established
Succeeded by John Adams
Vice PresidentJohn Adams
ProfessionFarmer, Soldier, Surveyor, Army Officer, Cartographer, Statesperson.
BornFebruary 22, 1732
Popes Creek, Virginia, British America
DiedDecember 14, 1799 (aged 67)
Mount Vernon, Virginia, U.S.
Cause of deathEpiglottitis
Resting placeMount Vernon
FatherAugustine Washington
MotherMary Ball Washington
Marital StatusMarried
Sexual OrientationStraight
SpousesMartha Dandridge (m. 1759)
ChildrenGeorge Washington did not have any children. They raised Martha Washington's two children from a previous marriage.
Sibling9 siblings: 3 brothers, 2 sisters, 3 half-brothers, and 1 half-sister.
Samuel Washington (1734-1781)
John Augustine Washington (1736-1787)
Charles Washington (1738-1799)
Betty Washington Lewis (1733 - 1797)
Mildred Washington (1737-1740)
Butler Washington (1716-1716)
Lawrence Washington (1718-1752)
Augustine Washington Jr. (1720-1762)
Jane Washington (1722-1734)
Height6' 2'
Weight79.4 Kg
EducationWilliam & Mary
Languages KnownEnglish
Field of WorkPolitics
AwardsJohn Newbery Medal
Political affiliationIndependent
Peak net worth (in current dollars)$587.0 million
Zodiac SignPisces
Table last updatedApril 08, 2020

George Washington Quotes On Power

. . . continue reading on the next page (life changing quotes by George Washington)