Quotes Zig Ziglar

Hilary Hinton or better known as “Zig Ziglar” was an American author, salesman, and motivational speaker. Zig Ziglar is the author of 33 books, including his top selling book “See You At The Top” which sold over 1.7 million copies. Here are 71 Classic Zig Ziglar Quotes: 1. “Don’t be distracted by criticism. Remember the only taste. Zig Ziglar quotes on business and attitude “New information makes new and fresh ideas possible.” – Zig Ziglar “Never blame anyone in your life. Good people give you happiness. Bad people give you experience. Worst people give you. “Success comes when opportunity meets preparation.” – Zig Ziglar.

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  2. Success Quotes Zig Ziglar
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  • Zig Ziglar’s highly motivational quotes are shared and enjoyed by millions people from all over the world every day. Zig has influenced many of today’s top motivational speakers. I really hope that you enjoy this awesome collection of Zig Ziglar quotes, and that they motivate you as much as they motivate me every day.
  • These 40 quotes by Zig Ziglar will inspire you to achieve greatness in your life. He was a man who taught us the importance of achieving your goals.

Perhaps,one of the most inspirational figures when it comes to achieving success andliving your best life ever is none other than Zig Ziglar. Started in the salescareer, Ziglar gave his seminars and speeches that transformed thousands ofpeople.

Goals Quotes Zig Ziglar

Besidesbeing a successful salesman and a prolific speaker, Ziglar is also an author of over 30 books. Some of his books haveimpacted many people and became a best-seller.

Quotes by Zig Ziglar on winning. 25) 'If you don't see yourself as a winner, then you cannot perform as a winner.' ( Tweet This Quote) 26) 'Lack of direction, not lack of time, is the problem. We all have 24-hour days.'

Two of his most-recommended books are See You At The Top and Born To Win. If you want to get inspired and get driven by Ziglar, read these 2 books.

Likemany other successful people, Ziglar started with a humble beginning. And hebuilt his sales career from the ground up.

Dueto his success in his sales career, he then went into the coaching andmotivational speaking industry, which eventually, the name, “ZigZiglar” became one of the most eminent sales trainers and motivationalspeakers.

Ziglar’sfirst book, See You At The Top was initially rejected by more than 30publishers. And after he successfully secured a publisher, the book sold morethan a quarter-million copies andremained in print to date.

Here’s what TopResultsAcademy.com says about Zig Ziglar:

“His speeches have impacted the hearts and minds of people for an exceptionally long term and continue to motivate people years later. An unmatched name and figure where inspiration and hard work are concerned and the achiever of excellence in speaking, Zig Ziglar is a true legacy.”

AlthoughSir Zig Ziglar has left the world, the legacy he left behind has truly changedmany people and inspired thousands of others to become successful.

Ilove his work, his books, and also the impactful and motivational quotes from him.And if you want to continue to be inspired by this legend, check out hissayings. Here are the 23 awesome quotes from Zig Ziglar that will make yourlife better:

1. “People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.”

Oneof the most common yet powerful quotes from Ziglar. Sometimes you feel drivenand sometimes you’re not. In other words, motivation comes and goes. And thisis why you need to do it every day.

If you want to achieve greatness in life, you must figure out a way to constantly motivate yourself to do things.

Extraordinarypeople motivate themselves each day. They pep-talk, visualize, imagine, dream,and think about the success that they want. They know that their motivationwill not last, thus, they do something to keep themselves driven each day.

Quotes Zig Ziglar

2. “Fear has two meanings: ‘Forget everything and run’ or ‘Face everything and rise.’ The choice is yours.”

Sohow do you face your fears? Are you going to run away or are you going to faceit and rise above them?

Whatever you do, it has a great impact on your life. People who went on to achieve amazing success in life are people who overcome their fears. They face their fears and rise above them.

Similarly,unsuccessful people choose to be stopped by their fears. They feel the fear,paralyzed by it, and then they do nothing to overcome it. Never let this beyou.

3. “Lack of direction, not lack of time, is the problem. We all have twenty-four hour days.”

Weall have 24 hours a day. Whether you are earning $10,000 a month or $100,000 amonth, the amount of time we have each day is the same.

Hence,it is not the lack of time that prevents you from achieving greater success, butrather, a lack of direction and the wrong method.

Doyou know that the strategy to earn $100 and $1,000 is different? So make sureyour objective is clear. When your mission is clear, you can better define abetter plan to get there.

4. “You can get everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.”

Inorder to be successful, you must be willing to help other people to besuccessful as well. It is about creating values to help others get what theywant.

In business, you create a better product or service to help your clients and customers to reach their goals more easily. When you work for someone else, you are exchanging your hard work to help your company accomplish its goals.

Themore value you created and the more people you helped, the more successful youwill be.

5. “Rich people have small TVs and big libraries, and poor people have small libraries and big TVs.”

Myfriend, be an avid reader. The more you read, the more places you can go. Likewhat Zig Ziglar said, rich and successful people are readers and theyconstantly look for ways to improve themselves.

Onthe other hand, unsuccessful and mediocre people choose to believe that theyknow it all. They don’t read or learn as much as extraordinary people.

6. “You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.”

Yes,your past doesn’t matter and you don’t need to be someone great to achieve yourdreams. You just need to start right now and commit to becoming someone great.

Remember,every master was once a beginner. Even Zig Ziglar himself started from nothing.He built his career and business up from the ground.

Success Quotes Zig Ziglar

Youcan be the same. Become who you want to be right now and start committing toyour goals. And do great things.

7. “Motivation gets you going and habit gets you there.”

Motivation is good because it drives you into taking massive action. But motivation alone is not enough. You need to build better habits to get there. You need to be consistent with what you do each day.

Remember,it is what you do each day that will make you successful, not what you do once ina while. Success is a long-term marathon, not a short-term sprint.

Thus, you need to develop the success habits that will get you what you want. Motivation is good, but it is not enough.

8. “Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude.”

Yourattitude is more important than your aptitude. Talent can only do so much. Butwithout hard work and the right attitude, you will never be successful.

Ifyou study the biography of successful people, you will notice that most of themcreated their success through their attitude, not their aptitude.

Whenit comes to success, how you look at things and your behavior are moreimportant than your talent.

9. “Outstanding people have one thing in common: an absolute sense of mission.”

Doyou wake up each day with a sense of mission? Or do you wake up without knowingwhat you want to do with your life?

To be successful, the first thing you need to do is to identify your goals and objectives. You need to have a sense of mission so that you can focus your energy toward that direction.

Beingvague and having no clear direction will never help you become successful.

10. “What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.”

Ifyou want to achieve your goals, you must become the person worthy of the goals.You must become the right person that will attract the goals and the successthat you desire.

Alot of people think that they just need to work hard. Yes, working hard doeshelp, but if you are not developing your values, your beliefs, your attitudes, and characters of the right person, you willnever get what you want.

Yourgoals will define your direction, but to get there, you must transform into theright person.

11. “When you are tough on yourself, life is going to be infinitely easier on you.”

Raise your standards. Accept nothing less than your absolute best. You must be tough on yourself if you want your life to be easier on you.

Whenyou are at level 3 and your problem is at level 5, you will think that it is abig problem. But when you raise your standard and increase your level to level8, a level 5 problem will become a small one. Maybe it is not a problem for you at all.

Hence,increase your level and be tough on yourself. When you become great, problemswill go away and nothing can get you down.

12. “Sometimes adversity is what you need to face in order to become successful.”

Manypeople have the wrong perception to think that failure is the opposite ofsuccess, which is not true. Failure and adversity are on the same side ofsuccess.

Youneed to fail in order to be successful. Good judgment comes from yourexperience. And experience usually comes from bad judgment.

Theadversities, hardships, failures, mistakes, and tough times that you encounterwill make you someone better.

13. “In the game of life, before you get anything out, you must put something in!”

Youmust sow before you can reap. Don’t expect to receive any result before you putin the hard work. If you want something in life, you must go out there and workon it.

Don’tjust think about it or dream about it. Thinking, hoping, and wishing are not goingto work. The only thing that will guarantee your result is to take action.

14. “Success occurs when opportunity meets preparation.”

Success is a matter of opportunity meets preparation. The thing is that you will never know when the opportunity will come. And so, all you can do is to always get yourself prepared.

Alwayswork hard, take massive and consistent action, and get ready for what’s coming.When an opportunity comes, you can thenjump straight in and run with it.

Itis better to prepare for an opportunity and not have one than to have an opportunity and not be prepared.

15. “When obstacles arise, you change your direction to reach your goal; you do not change your decision to get there.”

Whenyou fail or when you make mistakes, learn from them. You can change yourapproach, review your plan, and make an adjustmentto your strategy, but you don’t change your goal.

Remember,when a flower doesn’t bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows. You don’tfix the flower. Do you get that?

16. “You were born to win, but to be a winner, you must plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win.”

Thisis one of my favorite quotes from Zig Ziglar. Do you plan to win, prepare towin, and expect to win? If you seriously want to be a winner, you must act likea winner, prepare for like a winner, plan like one, dream, think, and expect winnings.

In other words, you must act like you are a winner to become a winner. Talk like how a winner talks. Walk like how a winner walks. Fake it until you make it, my friend.

17. “If you aim at nothing, you will hit it every time.”

Oneof the most important keys to success is to identify your goals clearly. Most peoplehave vague goals and they have no clear objectives in life. This is why theyare going nowhere.

Ifyou want to be successful, first, define the success you want. Find out whathas to happen for you to feel like a success. Know your target so that you canaim and fly straight to the bull’s eye.

18. “Positive thinking will let you do everything better than negative thinking will.”

Yes,positive thinking will not guarantee your success, but thinking positively ismuch better than thinking negatively. You can’t litter negativity everywhereand then wonder why you have got a trashy life.

Positivethinking may not make you successful, but it can make the best out of you. Whenyou think positive, you look at things differently.And that’s what you need when you’re in a tough situation.

19. “Make failure your teacher, not your undertaker.”

Eitheryou succeed, or you learn. You don’t fail as long as you don’t look at failureas a failure. In fact, failure has helpedmany successful people achieve outstanding results in their lives.

Thomas Edison said that he did not fail, but he ‘successfully’ discovered more than 10,000 ways how things won’t work.

Whenhe was asked about his success, Michael Jordan, one of the best basketballplayers of all time, said that he failed over and over again, and that is whyhe is successful.

So learn from your failures. Turn your failures into feedback so that you can grow higher.

20. “If you don’t see yourself as a winner, then you cannot perform as a winner.”

Tobe a winner and succeed at what you do, you must see yourself as a winner and expectto win. You must act like a winner before you can actually win.

Extraordinarypeople see themselves as a winner rather than a loser. They expect the best of themselves and they take action like they have already won. As a result, it becomesa self-fulfilling prophecy and they win.

21. “The greatest of all mistakes is to do nothing because you think you can only do a little.”

Neverunderestimate your ability and what you can accomplish in life. Whatever youwant to achieve, as long as you have the courage to pursue it, you can achieve.

Donot let your own mediocre thinking holds you back. Instead, choose to think bigand do your best. People are not living their lives because they are livingtheir fears.

Sochoose to believe that you are powerful beyond measure. The first step to successis you must say that you can.

22. “Remember that failure is an event, not a person.”

Thisis another one of my favorite quotes from Zig Ziglar. A lot of people take itpersonally when they fail. They treat failure as a person rather than anindependent event.

Quotes Zig Ziglar

Whenyou fail, it doesn’t mean that you are a failure. It just means that what you have done is not working.And what you need to do next is to change your approach. As simple as that.

Sotreat failure as your stepping stones to success. Failures are feedbacks to showyou the right way to achieving the success you want.

23. “The more you are grateful for what you have, the more you will have to be grateful for.”

Inshort, be grateful for what you have. Bless what you want. If you want to besuccessful, bless those who are successful. When you celebrate what you have,you will have more to celebrate. That’s how life works.

Sofrom this moment on, be grateful for everything that you have. Always choose tolook at the bright side because when you are grateful and are living a positivelife, better things will come to you. Success attracts more successes.

Quotes Zig Ziglar


Ihope you enjoy these inspirational and life-changing quotes from Sir ZigZiglar. These are the words that inspire me every time I read them and repeatthem.

So which of Ziglar’s quote you like the most? Which one inspires you the most? And do I miss out any great saying from him? Let me know in the comment section below.

Andif you love the quotes here, share them with your friends. Inspire them andbrighten up their days.

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“Time well spent results in more money to spend, more money to save, and more time to vacation.”

“You must not for one instant give up the effort to build new lives for yourselves. Creativity means to push open the heavy.”

Daisaku Ikeda

“You can look at a picture for a week and never think of it again.”

“If you want to make peace with your enemy, you have to work with your enemy.”

Nelson Mandela (Nobel Peace Prize 1993)

Quotes Zig Ziglar

“Guys want a 500 horsepower car. I’d rather have one horsepower – in a horse. That’s macho. You go to pick up your date and you show up on a horse.”

“Having an adventure is sometimes just a matter of going out and allowing things to happen in a strange and amazing new environment—not so much a physical challenge as a psychic one.”

Zig Ziglar Quotes Free

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