Results 7 Day Juice Fast

Doing both a 7 day water fast and a 7 day juice cleanse (at a different time) both really seemed to help and didn’t “hurt” before it helped. But that’s just me! I would say go for it because the worse thing that will happen is that your skin will get a little worse as you detox but that just means you’re healing faster! Just by following a simple and short 7 day juice cleanse that anyone can do, we were able to start seeing some noticeable results such as: Reducing obesity and maintaining a healthy weight Lowering Cholesterol Lowering Diabetes Lowering Blood Pressure. Jun 07, 2014 The fast was based around the Jason Vale book ‘7lbs in 7 days’. To be fair I didn’t follow the plan the way he would like because I have my own interpretations of what a juice fast is and how it should be done, Jason Vales approach to weight loss through juicing is perfect for new comers with a lot of toxicity ready to be demolished. Popular diets like the lemon detox cleanse are modeled after the water fast. The lemon detox cleanse only lets you drink a mixture of lemon juice, water, maple syrup, and cayenne pepper several. Here are the results of our 7-day juice cleanse! None of the images were edited in Photoshop. My 'before' weight was 173 and my 'after' weight was 168. What was more amazing than losing 5 lbs in a.

As some of you may know I have recently finished the 7lbs in 7 days juice plan. The fast was based around the Jason Vale book ‘7lbs in 7 days’. To be fair I didn’t follow the plan the way he would like because I have my own interpretations of what a juice fast is and how it should be done, Jason Vales approach to weight loss through juicing is perfect for new comers with a lot of toxicity ready to be demolished. I on the other hand have done a number of juice fasts and my diet is healthy so I can take on a bit more than the average dieter.

Why didn’t you follow Jason Vales plan to the letter?

The reason I didn’t follow the plan exactly is because I don’t believe that juices should be mixed with other types of foods, for example in one of his recipes he uses natural yogurt. During a cleanse of this type, I think it is majorly beneficial to avoid dairy products of any kind. As I said earlier newcomers to juice diets would find the thought of some yogurt quite a relief from just juice. I have a huge amount of respect for Jason Vale and I think his books are truly inspirational. He has given many people an insight into the big food companies, so not only are people armed with recipes but also the knowledge never to return to their old ways of eating. He is a very straight forward writer, and his results are guaranteed, regardless of age, shape or size if you juice you will lose weight.


OK let’s get to the bit you’re all really here for.

How much weight did you lose?

Well just like it says on the tin, I lost 7 pounds.

I KNOW you are all capable of doing this and achieving the same results, bare in mind I am close to my ideal weight so losing weight is more of a challenge. Those of you who are looking to lose a significant amount of weight prepare to be amazed because the weight will literally melt off you, you will wake up every morning to a slightly flatter tum and you will be completely surprised at how great you feel and how NOT hungry you are. YES that’s right, no hunger. I will follow this post with a frequently asked questions on juicing.

Are you looking for juice fast results that will transform you? Well you’ve come to the right place!

When done properly (and I show you how below), a juice fast really has the power to change you. Including having more energy, feeling younger, losing weight, and gaining mental clarity. There is so much science coming out about fasting now that describes exactly how fasting benefits the body.

Why Juice Fast?


Results 7 Day Juice Fast Youtube 2020

It’s pretty common for people to eat way more protein than what their body actually requires. Research data from Cornell University and T Colin Campbell backs this up.

As the years go by, all this excess protein accumulates in the body slowing down many processes and the end result is that we produce more of a growth hormone called IGF-1, which has been identified as one of the main factors in cancer (cancer is basically unregulated growth of cells). IGF-1 promotes other types of growths in the body too, such as skin tags, moles and this is how people develop polyps in the colon.

When you do a fast, your body actually autolyzes (or self-digests) the excess proteins that you have built up. This process will get rid of moles, skin tags, polyps and helps your body to heal in general.

Not only that, but during a fast you cut the amount of IGF-1 produced by half, which drastically lowers your chance of getting cancer. There’s a lot of research on certain kinds of fruits and vegetables in combatting cancer that’s amazing. But essentially the real healing happens when you just clear the body out. Give the body a break and allow it to catch up. These other nutrients are also much more assimilable after a fast as well.

Reset Your Immune System, Lower Your Cancer Risk & Feel Amazing

There is now good research that shows, when you fast even for 3 days, your entire immune system is RESET. You’ll have a brand new immune system after 3 days of fasting!! Just go to the online research library, PubMed and see the papers published on this for yourself or click the link here for more info.

All of your organs, and in fact all of your body, has the ability to reset itself and to regenerate. And it’s optimised through the process of fasting.

So What Do You Need To Start Juicing?


Basically you need a juicer, and you need fresh fruits and vegetables. Once you have those things, you can have a juice fast anywhere!

If you want to make sure you are doing a juice fast properly, sign up for my free 7 Day Cleanse, where I take you through all the tips and tricks you need to have the best possible experience. You can do your juice fast at home or even better on vacation at one of my retreats or on your own as I actually recommend being in a different environment to make the fast a lot easier.

If you’re addicted to caffeine and certain foods it might be uncomfortable in the beginning. I’d actually recommend you do a 4 Day Colon Cleanse first to make things easier on your body, then you’ll hit a point of clarity, energy and really feeling fantastic!

7 day green juice fast results

So sign up for my 7 Day Cleanse now. We have had over 6,000 people participate who are now part of our 7 Day Cleanse Facebook community which offers amazing support and inspiring stories. You’ll see stories of how fasting has helped people heal hundreds of different illnesses and gained their life and vitality back. It’s an amazing community.


Get on it. Check it out. Have a great day!

7-day Juice Fast Menu

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